Sunday, December 1, 2013

Quilling: Poinsettia

Quilling Poinsettia
I just began in yesterday I went to my local craft store and bought a beginning quilling set. I thought I would attempt a poinsettia. It is Christmas time and it is a festive Christmas plant! Let's begin.
Quilling Poinsettia

What You Will Need: 
- 7 strips of red quilling paper (6 in)
- 4 strips of green quilling paper (6 in)
- 3 strips of yellow quilling paper (2 in)
-Quilling needle
-Craft glue
-Cardstock/other material to use as the poinsettia's background
-Fine tip tweezers

TIP: When sizing your paper strips, do not cut them. Instead, tear them. This gives the coils an almost seamless finish.


Quilling Poinsettia

1. Starting with your red strips, one at a time coil them loosely. If you have the Quilled Creations circle sizer it is circle size 5. Dip the tip of your quilling needle or a toothpick into glue and secure the end of coil.
Quilling Poinsettia

**Repeat this for all green and red pieces.

Quilling Poinsettia

2. In order to create the petals you have to create a marquise. To do this, pick up a coil and pinch two points at the same time.

**Repeat for all green and red.

Quilling Poinsettia

3. To make the middle points for the flower, tightly coil a yellow strip and glue. Do not allow it to unwind.

**Repeat for all yellow.

4. After you have all of your pieces made, it is time to assemble. This is where your tweezers will come into play. Dip a piece into glue and place it on background. Continue assembling your poinsettia to your liking.

TIP: I squirt some glue onto a sticky note or scrap piece of paper and use it to dip my pieces in. Then I tap off the excess glue, put the piece on the background, and use the back end of the tweezers to lightly hold my piecein place for ten seconds.

5. Glue the yellow pieces to the top of your plant.

Quilling Poinsettia

These flowers would look beautiful on a homemade Christmas card!

If you choose to complete this project please send me pictures! Also, comment below with any obstacles or tricks you came across. I would love to hear how you made this project your own!

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